Routinely monitor and report the prevalence, frequency, and intensity of binge drinking (whether people binge drink, how often they do so, and the number of drinks they consume) and other substance use.Develop and strengthen community coalitions that build partnerships between schools, faith-based organizations, law enforcement, healthcare providers, public health agencies, and local, tribal, and state leaders to reduce alcohol and other substance use and its impacts.Enforce existing laws and regulations about alcohol sales and service.These strategies can be used with other strategies to reduce overdoses, such as strengthening prescription drug monitoring programs. Use comprehensive and effective approaches to reduce the availability and affordability of alcohol such as by regulating the density of alcohol outlets through zoning and licensing, increasing alcohol taxes, or other strategies recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force.

Search for medication prices and coupons above, or browse drugs by letter, health condition, or drug class below. Search for a drug to get the best prices in your area and save up to 80 on your medication. Support effective community strategies to prevent excessive alcohol use, such as increasing alcohol taxes, regulating the number of places that sell alcohol in your community, or others recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force. At GoodRx, we believe everyone deserves affordable and convenient healthcare.When typing inside fields, do not include punctuation marks such as hyphens, commas, colons, brackets and wildcard characters (). Take a quick assessment to check your drinking. You may search by either a) drug identification number ( DIN ), b) Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical ( ATC) code, or c) by company or one or more of the various other product characteristics listed.Talk with your healthcare provider about your drinking and discuss the medications that you are taking to prevent adverse reactions with prescribed medicines.If you are an adult of legal drinking age and choose to drink alcohol, adhere to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans on moderate alcohol use (up to one drink in a day for women and up to 2 drinks in a day for men). Choose not to drink or limit alcohol use.Avoid using alcohol when using other substances.Harms involving the use of alcohol and other substances can be prevented.